Top 3 Ways to Avoid Foreclosure

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Happy New Year! Feliz Navidad! And every other salutation/greeting appropriate for the 2006 Holiday season I shower upon thee!!! For a while I had overcome with an arbitrary case of laziness and complacency, coupled with a lack of motivation to work and overall good cheer (read, didn't do a darn thing) for the holidays! Actually, the truth is, none of the above. My husband and I were blessed with back to back out of town visitors, a busy social schedule and some much needed rest in between it all. Nonetheless dear reader, fellow blogger, I am BAAAAAAAACK as the distinguished gentlemen from CA would say and some might add with a vengeance. My target is to upload a whole lot of posts within the next few days, make that nights. While I wasn't actively posting I was collecting articles and info so you will not be dissapointed as I will have plenty uploaded and very soon. Till then, call or email me so I know you care, write a comment to make me feel worthy, or if you know of anyone looking to buy and or sell real estate in the Grand Canyon state, especially in the Valley of the Sun (Translation: Metropolitan Phoenix, Scottsdale area in Arizona) send me a referral and I'll feel LOVED!
